

Hackleton CEVA Primary School welcomes children to join us both at the start of their school life (the academic year in which they turn five) and as a transfer from another school either at the beginning of an academic year or at any point during an academic year.

Admissions Policies

Admissions Procedure

The governors of Hackleton CEVA Primary School are the Admissions Authority for our school, the policy is reviewed annually and ensures that we not only support Christian families, but families in our local community too.

Reception applications are made on the WNC website by parents and our admission panel are responsible for applying our admission criteria to the applications. The places are offered by the Local Authority. If you are a family who attends church, please ensure you collect a form from school which you complete, informing us of the church you attend The form should be returned to the School, we then contact your worship leader or rector to verify your application.

WNC Admissions

In-year applications must be made to the school and places are allocated according to our school admission policy if vacancies exist in the required year. Please contact the school (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) for an application form or please download one below.


Supplementary Information Forms

Application portals open on the 10th September 2024.  The new application deadlines for September 2025 admissions are:-

  • Primary midnight on 15th January 2025
  • Secondary midnight on 31 October 2024

National offer days are:-

  • Primary 16th April 2025
  • Secondary 3rd March 2025
Admissions Appeals

Hackleton CEVA Primary School is a Voluntary Aided School. The Governing Body of a Voluntary Aided School is the Admission Authority for the school and is therefore responsible for all admissions.  If a year group is oversubscribed – that is, there are more applications than places available – the governing body will apply the admissions criteria from the Admissions Policy, allocating places up to their Published Admission Number. Parents/guardians of those refused places are then entitled to appeal against the Governing Body’s decision.

We use the Diocesan Appeals Service for admissions appeals. All appeals will take place on Zoom.

Please contact the Diocese of Peterborough Education Team Executive Administrator by email on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 01604 887060 for further details or simply visit